Monday, August 4, 2008

you're my kitty

in my next life, i'm gonna reincarnate as a pet cat reared by mega rich people. like paris hilton? gosh i envy her dog (-_______-)

am i a workaholic? = ="
i was complaning to everyone i saw in my range of eyeview yesterday about how rapidly my offday changed from one day to another all of a sudden
and being called to work in the very last minute.
even though i did get past work hours.. i still felt sibeh tired the next day
who would still feel jumpy when you sleep at 5 am & wake up at 8am AND finish a college presentation on a group of 5 all by yourself within 2 days leh? = =
i slept instantly whenever i had time.
regardless where was i.
in class, in the libary, inside the computer room, even inside the toilet (= =)
i'm not a robot leh.. i would fall and crumble without enough rest.

when i finally came home from college, i didn't even remember how i got up to my room and changed to pyjamas somemore!

when i woke up at 8pm (dad knocked on room door for about half an hour continuously so it woke me up - -)
after finishing dinner, i stared at the clock.
8.18 pm.
i started thinking if i went to work today, would it be as boring as yesterday? or would it be bustling with people?
and wondered how yuri and the other girls are doing, wondered how much would i earn today if i went to work ..
if i went to work today would i be a microscopic step closer to Liverpool?
then i stopped for a while and thought,
"HEYYYY!! fux lah!! today should be my OFF DAY LOH!! why am i thinking of work in bed?!"
*turns on tv switch and starts watching so you think you can dance but grumbling stuffs in mind too*

dear someone up there,
i know you'll read this sooner or later. better before i grow old and pass away lah.
but can you please let me have a rest of at least 8 normal hours a day when i'm working & studying at the same time PLEAASEEEEE???
*mega flutters eyelashies*



alex said he found a pair of flies on his bed (or wall / something = =)

the male fly was found dead (i'm not sure how he knows which one is male / female. maybe the one on the top is a male? O.o)

and uh.. maybe it died while fuxking the female fly and had a heart attact / he thrust too hard and his fly willy broke right inside the female fly
so he died in pain? XD




anyway the female fly can't seem to get it off it's back (>_<) poor fly (T T) Photobucket


saw this while i was on the way back home in mom's car few *days* ago.

being a typical malaysian and johorian. of course is not to stop and help BUT be nosey and take pictures of scene and MMS to friends
in the car instead.
(anyway we would be making more trouble for the fire fighters instead if we helped = =" what can we do? be ladder ah? )


so lengzai............ (>/////////////<) sharon is so lengzai!!!!!! (>_<)

why is she born a female instead of a male = ="
and her figure so WOOOOOOTTTTTTTT somemore??!!

our college should do a campaign for raising up $$ for her to BE A MAN :RF
just for my entertainment loh!!!!!!!!!!


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