WOAHHHH.. I've realised that I've not been updating my blog for almost a month now.
my start of a busy 2009,
OLDP (outdoor leadership development program) from my college.
Stayed 3 days and 2 nights at Tekam. it's somewhere in Pahang. coincidently turned out to be a Felda plantation (company my dad works for). My dad had his leadership training at the same place a few years back. the day before i went to Tekam, while i was packing, he told me that the place was QUITE HAUNTED.
gosh i love my dad. (=.=) thanks to him, whether whatever stories he told me might have an effect on me mentally, i did experience some unexplaineble stuffs.
THE POINT IS--- ahem..
although OLDP was quite tiring + i hated my team leader + saw the fuggin big bright scorching sun everyday+ got tanned + now i remember why i don't like people who live in KL ( majority. but i don't mean ALL ) BUT. i still had fun. thanks to the minority of KL students that i like, which are also smokers and gamblers but are very nice people. i got along with them just fine. (the whole sentence sounds weird but-- i'm lazy to explain =.=)
and it's also the first time that students in our batch and the other batch of our college got to spend so much time together =)
I PAINTED THAT FACE HOR!! cute right?!
monkies -.-
new face makeup
KL friend treated me to lunch + foot massage when i was there for a day. foot massage RM139 per hour. WTH (=A=)
US =)
our assistant facilator from JB. MR.Kiwi and MR.Wing (remember i crashed his car headlights? =.=)
Food in Jalan Alor. I went there to have dinner with eeyan to refresh my memories when i stayed just opposite the food stall that i was eating dinner in.
nothing changed much. just me.
***************stuffs that i got in kl*****************
- CLOTHES!! (no pictures though)
- FAKE EYELASHES!! and a brush
adds to my collection of eyelashies
i bought the eyelashes at sungai wang. there's a whole CART selling fake eyelashes. that's like an oasis to me. but yuri said they also have a whole shop from the same boss where they only store and sell fake eyelashes.... OMFG..... that's A FAKE EYELASH HEAVEN!!
- 2 in 1 strightener + curler
it's a good straightener, but it sucks as a curler. the curls come out fine and nice but your hair gets so dry even though it's ceramic. and it doesn't stay long..
babyliss is better (-_-)
**************stuffs that i got in jb*****************
- NDS (i designed the blings on top hor!! *flicks hair*)
- MAC brush cleanser ( i always thought that the price of the brush cleanser was about RM120? because it's quite alot of product in a bottle. but it turned out, it's only RM 40 = ="") + duo adhesieve + vanilla eyeshadow
-chanel (lol) eyeliner
- shu umura eyelashies
after all those shookalooka stuffs that i did,
all of us who went to oldp had to pass up a report of 2500 words in 6 days.
of course, i procrastinated (-.-)
and even helped adam for a photoshoot when i still had 10 hours left to pass up my report.
BUT!! at the end of the day, i passed up my report with a 3251 word count. muahahahaha!
******birthday prezzie for a very steady friend of mine******
你又老了, 开心吗?
送皮包 很普通. 送手表, 好象在送钟(终)不吉利.
送花 又觉得浪费,送古龙水 又觉得很娘.
送腰袋,怕你绑不到 XD 包红包 过不久你应该会花掉.
所以 我干脆送个不会跌价 只会起价的 又非常有纪念价值的礼物给你好了.
兄弟,算算一下,我们也认识接近三年左右了.嗯,时间过得真快 = =
多谢你这几年来一直都很支持我所做的SOHAI事.每一件你都很支持 (=_=) 虽然不懂你有没有敷衍我啦
你真是个大好人 (T^T)
steady到我生日那天第一个来的是你, 最后一个走的也是你
哎呀 话不多说.
写到我毛都站完了 -.-
总之.pier吖~ 生日快乐 =)
5.30am = = ""
oh yeah,
chinese new year is around ze corner!! =D
happy chinese new year everyone ;)
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