Monday, October 27, 2008


cats Pictures, Images and Photos

You know,
while i was removing my makeup,
this voice kept repeating inside my mind.."this is just NOT.FAIR"

it's totally unfair for you.

why does she get everything a girl could ask for,
but you don't?
she gets love,friends,family,nice presents.
and you?
what did you get?
although she got what you've used,
but that thing still showered her with almost everything he can.
she has what you've always been longing for.

he's a jerk, a bastard, son of a biatch.
he used your kindness, your naiveness, sometimes i wonder.. your love? i don't know.
you treated him better than she treats him.
even if compared, you're really better.
but why?
why did he choose her?
your closest ENEMY.
your best friend is your closest enemy.

my dear,
sometimes i see a past me in you.

that's why i feel that it's so unfair for you.
you shouldn't be treated this way, every one has a right to go through the gate of happiness with the right "key".
and even if anyone changes his/her "key" every once in a while,
as long as you're happy, being a bitch is actually a good thing. :P

you can too. you already have the key..even though i just totally HATE your key. XD
my dear, please don't keep walking down your memory lane and remembering things that you should've forgot a long time ago.

he's not worth your tears.

it's your life.
quotes or sayings Pictures, Images and Photos
not anyone's else.

god made us best friends because he knew that our mom's couldn't handle us as sisters.
Dear Lord Pictures, Images and Photos
(and i swear i would curse god everyday if your mom were my mom. XD)

how many times have you sulked, complained, thought,cried because of these things?
life, my dear..
hasn't enough time for us to be like that forever.

you know how much me and 2 other friends love you than those other fuckers you have around you.
we're always by your side no matter what.



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